Page 106 - Bunnysigue :::: Carolina Sol Rodriguez
P. 106

104   »                  BEAtRIz KEnnEl

                          Mariano Ivaldi


                             te ame mucho amiga, dabas alegria a to-
                             dos, es injusto que tu vida se haya ido tan
                             fugazmente. Siempre te recordaremos con
                             tu belleza interna y externa, la simplicidad
                             de una niña, tu recuerdo no se extinguira y
                             seguira  tu  resplandor  iluminándonos  aun
                             en nuestros mas oscuros días.

                 Do not stand                  When you awaken
             at my grave and weep             in the morning hush,
                I am not there,            I am the swift uplifting rush
                 I do not sleep.                 of quiet birds in
                                                  circled flight.
                I am a thousand                 I am the soft stars
                winds that blow.               that shine at night.
               I am the diamond
                glints on snow.                   Do not stand
                                               at my grave and cry.
               I am the sunlight                 I am not there.
             On the ripened grain.                I did not die.
                I am the gentle
                Autumn’s rain.                    - Hopi Prayer
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